Aligning images in Adobe Photoshop is a rather primitive operation that photographers often have to perform during commercial or creative shooting, as well as when performing post-processing. Such skills are mandatory for every specialist in photography, even if they are not in a hurry to use graphic editors in their business.
What is the purpose of overlaying images on each other?
Usually overlaying images is required in the following cases:
- If you need to replace the “unfortunate” sky in the frame.
2. If the background seems unaesthetic.
3. If the model has closed eyes in a group photo.
4. If there are questions about the smile, head turn, or hand position.
5. If defocus is present.
6. If there are blurs.
7. If it is a photo with levitation.
And the graphic editor Adobe Photoshop has several tools to combine different pictures in one.
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How to perform a picture overlay in Adobe Photoshop
As an example, we can consider a basic situation: you have two similar photos at your disposal, but the first has a better pose and background, and the other has a smile. Our task is to combine the two pictures so that they look like one whole. This is done according to standard instructions:
- First of all, you should open the two images that will be combined. You can do this by dragging the photo into the window of the open program or through the “File” – “Open” window on the home screen.
- Next you should choose which photo will be the main one, and which one will be used as a donor.
- After that you should activate the window with the donor photo and click on “Move”.
- After that you should put the cursor on the image donor, press the LKM and move the photo to the line with the mention of the basis.
- Next, you need to hold the cursor for a couple of seconds, after which the graphic editor will be switched from the donor photo to the main one. At this time, one picture will fill the canvas with another. Finally, the cursor can be released.
- It remains to adjust the donor picture in size and place it where required. To do this, press Ctrl + T to activate free transform.
Important! For a more accurate matching of photos it is worth to activate the translucent mode on the photo-donor. After in the “Layers” window you should click on the top photo and change the Opacity.
At the next stage you should cut out the necessary fragment from the donor using the “Selection Brush Tool” tool.
Next, activate the Layers palette and click on the black rectangle at the bottom.
Lastly, you will need to repeat the transform step and adapt the placement of the object.
It remains to work with the mask, so that the cut out face turned out to be more accurate. In this case, you should click on the mask with the left mouse button, take a black brush and paint over the uneven edges, as well as remove unnecessary elements. If in the process more than required was erased, it is enough to replace the black color with white and restore the image.