Home Lessons How to make a real tan in Photoshop

How to make a real tan in Photoshop


To upload a photo in a swimsuit, with a beautiful tan and get hundreds of likes on Instagram – isn’t that every girl’s dream? With the help of Photoshop, you can lie a little, and make your tan really attractive, which does not take a lot of time for the user. We present you a lesson from Digmast: “How to make a real tan in Photoshop?”. We have chosen the most effective and accessible to every user of this program a way to provide your body in the photo a real sea tan.

In fact, the whole operation of applying a tan to the skin is quite simple – you need to select all areas of the skin, and apply the selected shade with a special function.

With the selection of the skin is easy to cope with a convenient function “Quick Mask” (hot key Q), and for an example we will take a photo of a pretty girl on the beach.

Selection with a quick mask and a brush requires adjusting the latter, and here the hardness is important, which should correspond to the photo – if the contours are sharp, we take a higher brush hardness, if soft – a lower one (everything is simple and logical!).

Next, call “Quick Mask” with the key Q, and pre-adjusted brush paint all the skin on the girl’s body, getting such a red representative of another planet.

After a thorough process of coloring the skin, you should press the Q key, and immediately create a selection using the CTRL+SHIFT+I key combination.

Next, we start the process of creating a new image layer, and choose the #451f03 brush, corresponding to the dark brown color. It is important to choose the right color, and here you will have to experiment, as everyone’s tastes are different, and we suggest the option we like. Paint the skin area in the selected brush color.

In the blending mode for the layer you need to set the function “Soft Light” (Soft Light).

With the inclusion of the last function, our work is ready, and we get a great final result. To reduce the tan, you can turn down the transparency of the applied layer.

We hope that our lesson will help you to create as bright photos as possible during the beach season!