Home Lessons How to make a beautiful presentation in PowerPoint

How to make a beautiful presentation in PowerPoint


PowerPoint is one of the most popular tools in the Microsoft Office suite. Here you can create creative presentations, complete with colorful infographics, charts, animations and graphic elements. Let’s take a look at a few quick tips for making a cool project in PowerPoint.

How to make a beautiful presentation in Power Point

#1 Select Content

The key element of every presentation is the content, not the layout. Therefore, you need to understand what you will talk about and what you will cover. The principle of content preparation is as follows:

  1. Create a document where we sketch the information for the future project.
  2. Form a logical sequence of text.
  3. Create a blank presentation and start adding text.How to make a beautiful presentation in Power Point
  4. If the text array is too large, you can break the thought into several slides, and after working with the design.
  5. Once you have successfully moved all the information, you should run the presentation in view mode.
  6. Having done the first run through, you should draw conclusions about which information is superfluous and which is missing.

Following this algorithm, you can successfully make preparations for further design of the project.

#2 Use the sample slides

How to make a beautiful presentation in Power Point

If you want to speed up the design of the presentation, PowerPoint offers to use one of the sample slide templates. In this case, your text formatting, block placement and other elements will be fixed and adapted automatically to the new slide.

To do this, go to the Window menu and select the Sample Slides option.

How to make a beautiful presentation in Power PointA field with standard text and all slide design options will appear on the screen. Using the first template example, you will see how to work with fonts and pitch to change the text outline.

Read also: Basics of working with PowerPoint

#3 Choosing default styles

If your project uses a large number of graphic details, such as arrows, you can adjust their settings so that each time they are created, they are not designed in the classic blue color. To do this, you should create a shape with an optimal form and select its settings:

  • fill;
  • outline;
  • animation.

How to make a beautiful presentation in Power Point

Next, you should right-click on the created shape and find the item “Assign as default shape”.

#4 Using well-known sources for PowerPoint presentations

You can speed up the process of designing PowerPoint presentations by applying sources with templates. In this case, you won’t need to shape the color palette and create icons yourself. Beautiful stock images can be easily found on various stock and theme platforms.

#5 Preparing a custom template for presentations

If you regularly have to create corporate or training projects, you probably stick to one design style. With the help of “Slide Sample”, you can save an interesting design. After you need to select the “Designer” menu and go to the left menu with templates. There you will see the key “Save current theme”. Next, you will be able to set the parameters of the template for future use.