Home Lessons How to make a round photo in Photoshop

How to make a round photo in Photoshop


To make a regular photo round, we need to take the Oval Selection tool and, holding down the “Shift” key, select the girl with an even circle. Create a new layer using the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+Shift+N”. Next, right-click on the selection/Execute fill. Fill our selection with any color.

And move the layer with the circle under the photo layer. Right-click on the photo field/create a mask. As you can see, the photo with the girl has taken the shape of a circle. The advantage of this method is that you can align the image to the shape of the circle, rather than having to cut it several times to get the optimal position.

Combine both layers with the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+E”. To save a round photo without background you should choose the image format png.